Cybersecurity Education for K-12 Students

How To Easily Protect Yourself from Malware, Spyware, and Adware


Security Challenge

Malware, Spyware, and Adware infections continue to grow and cause problems for all computer users. It’s important to make sure your computer is protected from all types of malicious software.


The #1 defense for protecting your computer from malicious software is you. Humans are the first line of defense and the best protection against malware. Being aware of suspicious emails, websites, or applications can improve your overall computer security. The best approach to protect your devices is to use a layered approach. This approach ensures your computer or mobile device is up to date, protection software like antivirus is installed and configured correctly, and that you are aware of the different types of attacks that would target you.

Different ways malware infects your computer

  • Phishing - Usually attackers will try to email, text, or message you and try to get you to take action that will benefit them. They typically use current events, and information about the target to prey on the emotions of the users.

    • Example: 

      • Your social security number has been locked. Please click on the following link to unlock it.

  • Compromised or malicious website - Sometimes simply going to a malicious website or one that has been compromised without updating your computer or having any sort of antivirus protection can lead to your computer being infected.

    • Example:

      • - Notice that domain name is spelled incorrectly with too many o’s and is more than likely an attacker trying to trick you into going to a malicious version of facebook.

Layered approach to protection your computer

  • Be vigilant and don’t click on links from untrusted sources in email, text or chat

  • Make sure your software is up to date. Apply your Microsoft Windows, Mac, Android and IOS updates at least monthly or setup automated updates if your computer let’s you.

  • Make sure you have antivirus software installed and updated daily to protect you from any malware that bypasses you the first line of defense.

Closing Thoughts

Protecting your computer from malicious software does not have to be hard. You will never be 100% secure but you can make whatever happens hurt less. You will be thankful the one time you mistakenly click on a link and download malware and your antivirus software catches and removes it because you kept it up to date. You will also be happy the time you mistakenly navigate to a malicious website but your computer is not infected because you had the recent updates from your operating system vendor.

4 Easy Things to do to keep your computer protected

  • Be vigilant and don’t click links or take action from an unknown source

  • Update your operating system software monthly

  • Install an antivirus software and keep it up to date

    • I personally recommend Windows Defender for Windows and Avast for Mac.

  • For up-to-date security awareness subscribe to my social media accounts 
